
Setting up your starting line-up is the key to your team's success. If you don't create your default line-up it will be randomly generated for you, which means that your team's performance will not be optimal. The line-up saved as default is applied automatically.

Setting the line-up is one of the most important tactical elements in the game. For every match you can create up to four offensive and four defensive formations designated for various situations in the match. First set up the opening formation for both offense and defense. These formations should play most of the match.

Players with a good shot are most suitable for offensive formation. Players with a good blocking ability are best suited for defense.

Apart from opening formations you can create addition formations for which you can set conditions under which they should play. For instance, if you build up a sufficient lead, you can save your best players and send bench players on the court.

First you select players for the match by clicking the checkboxes next to the names of the players. These players will be added to the list on top of the screen. Then you can move them one by one with your mouse and place them on the desired positions.

Don't forget to set up at least one offensive and one defensive formation. You don't have to utilize the maximum number of formations. Set up your goalkeepers, 7m throwers and captain on the settings tab.

Apart from selecting the players with the right attributes for the given positions, you also have to take into consideration whether you have put the players on their preferred side. Players who don't play on their preferred side, do not feel comfortable on the court and it will take a toll on their performance. This is especially important for wings and to a lesser extent for left and right backs.

Another important indicator is chemistry. The chemistry of players improves with the number of minutes played until it reaches 100%. Players also gain chemistry in practice, but not as efficiently as in matches and only until they reach a certain threshold. Players, who are over this threshold and don't play matches, lose chemistry every day even if they practice with the team. Players who are injured don't practice with the team and therefore lose chemistry. Match importance also has an effect on the growth of chemistry of players. The higher the importance, the faster the players can develop chemistry.

Position labels:

Label Position
GK Goalkeeper
LB Left back
CB Centre back
RB Right back
LW Left wing
RW Right wing
PV Pivot

If one of the players in any formation is injured or cannot play for any reason, he will be replaced by another player from the ones who are selected for that match. You can set a position for which the player will act as a substitute for every player who doesn't play in the given formation. Just click the dash symbol next to a player's name in the list of selected players.

Substitutes for the particular positions are selected as follows:

Position in the lineup Substitution priority
Goalkeeper GK,-
Left back LB,RB,CB,-
Centre back CB,LB,RB,-
Right back RB,LB,CB,-
Left wing LW,RW,-
Right wing RW,LW,-
Pivot PV,-

If, for instance, the pivot is injured, he will be replaced by the substitute with the PV setting, which stands for pivot. If you don't have such substitute, a player with no setting (marked by a dash) will be selected. It is a kind of universal substitute who can replace any player in the line-up. If no substitute is found in spite of this, the match will be played by a random line-up.

If you have more than one substitute assigned for the same position, than the one who is higher in the list of selected players will be picked first.

If any of your players gets a red card during the match, he will be replaced in the formation by the first player from the list of substitutes who has the same position setting or no position setting.

The Next match page shows, among other things, the overview of your line-up for the upcoming match and the selected tactics. The line-up and tactics must be set 60 minutes before the match at the latest. The changes made later will not be applied.

Random lineup
If the match is played by a random line-up for any reason, it is possible that day-to-day players will be used even if you have different settings.

Load line-up from a previous match
If you cannot create multiple line-ups, you can use the feature to load a line-up from any match that your team had played over the last 7 days. Simply select a match from which you want to load the line-up on the Line-up page. The line-up is loaded exactly as it played in the given match. That means that if substitutes played in that match, they will be placed into the loaded line-up on the exact same position on which they had played. Warning! The line-up is loaded without the settings of captain and players for 7m throws.

Copy lineup
If you have the option to create multiple lineups, you can use the copy lineup feature. If, for example, you want to create lineup A or B, that should be similar to the default lineup, you can copy the default lineup and make only small changes, depending on how much the two lineups should differ. This way you don't have to build every lineup from scratch.