
The facilities have an influence even if you don't have any active staff. However, hiring some staff has a major effect on their efficiency. The efficiency of each facility can be enhanced by two to four staff members. The staff member marked as head has the greatest influence, while the assistants have a little bit smaller influence. If you do not mark a staff member as head or assistant, then this person will have no influence on the efficiency of the facility. You can have up to 8 staff members in each facility.

Applicants send their applications for a job themselves and your human resources and economic department evaluates these applications once a week. The number of applicants rises with the level of the human resources and economic department. It is also influenced by your managers and their scouting efficiency. However, you are guaranteed to get at least one applicant and you could get as many as 4 applicants at the same time.

Applicants are generated at the moment when you first view them. However, if you don't view the season's last group of applicants before the end of the season, the applicants will be generated automatically just before the start of the new season.

The table below shows the potential number of staff members according to the level of the human resources and economic department.

Level of facility Minimum Maximum
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 2
5 1 2
6 1 2
7 1 2
8 2 3
9 2 3
10 2 3
11 2 3
12 2 4
13 2 4
14 2 4
15 2 4

The attributes of the applicants are influenced mainly by the level of facility that they are applying to work at. So if you have the training facility at level 10, you will get better applicants for the job of a coach than if you have the training facility at level 3. If you don't hire the applicants proposed by the human resources and economic department, then these applicants will be gone upon the arrival of new applicants.

A staff member always signs a contract for the next 112 days. In case you don't want to extend a staff member's contract, turn off the automatic contract extension in his profile or on the Staff page. You can also dismiss a staff member by terminating his contract. However, if you terminate his contract, you have to pay half of the remaining contract worth to the staff member as compensation. You can also unload a staff member by placing him on the market.

The applicants can be 50 to 55 years old. Every staff member retires at the age of 61, which means you will not be able to extend his contract. Each staff member has two attributes and both of them have their own quality. You can only see exact values of the quality of attributes for staff members who have been scouted by your human resources and economic department.

The efficiency of an attribute is a percentage of influence that your staff have on their facility. The maximum efficiency is therefore 100%. This efficiency depends on the value of the respective attribute of your head staff member and his assistants. The maximum attribute value of a staff member is 100, which means that the best possible staff member can have 200 points in attributes.

  • Coach is a staff member that works in the training facility. His attributes are:
    • Defense coaching – this attribute indicates the ability to train the defensive attributes of players (goalkeeping, blocking) and it has a partial influence on the training of universal attributes of players (field play, technique, speed, aggressiveness).
    • Offense coaching – this attribute indicates the ability to train the offensive attributes of players (shooting, passing) and it has a partial influence on the training of universal attributes of players (field play, technique, speed, aggressiveness).

    The number of coaches that your team requires depends on the number of players. The more players you have, the more coaches you need so that players can practice efficiently.

    Number of players Number of coaches
    <26 2
    26-35 3
    36-45 4
    >45* 4

    * - for every player over the limit, the coaching efficiency of coaches is reduced by 3%

  • Physiotherapist is a staff member working in the regeneration facility. His attributes are:
    • Defense regeneration – this attribute indicates the ability to regenerate players who practice defensive attributes (goalkeeping, blocking) and it has a partial influence on the regeneration of players who practice universal attributes (field play, technique, speed, aggressiveness).
    • Offense regeneration – this attribute indicates the ability to regenerate players who practice offensive attributes (shooting, passing) and it has a partial influence on the regeneration of players who practice universal attributes (field play, technique, speed, aggressiveness).

  • The number of physiotherapists that your team requires depends on the number of players. The more players you have, the more physiotherapists you need so that players can regenerate and practice efficiently.

    Number of players Number of physiotherapists
    <26 2
    26-35 3
    36-45 4
    >45* 4

    * - for every player over the limit, the regeneration efficiency of physiotherapists is reduced by 3%

  • Manager is a staff member working in the human resources and economic department. His attributes are:
    • Scouting - this attribute indicates the ability to make more precise estimates on the quality of players and staff and it also influences the speed of scouting of people in the scouting queue. The attribute also indicates the ability to provide more job applicants.
    • Marketing - this attribute indicates the ability to negotiate better contracts with general and media sponsors.

    Every team can have up to two active managers. One head and one assistant.

  • Arena custodian is a staff member working in the maintenance center. His attributes are:
    • Security service - this attribute indicates the ability to eliminate vandalism in the arena and thus lower the expenses on maintenance of the stands and their accessories.
    • Maintenance - this attribute indicates the ability to fix the glitches that occur in the facilities and therefore lower the expenses on the maintenance of the facilities.

    The number of arena custodians that your team requires depends on the capacity of your arena. The bigger your arena, the more custodians you need so that they can do their job efficiently.

    Arena capacity Number of arena custodians
    <10001 2
    10001-15000 3
    >15000 4

  • Lecturer is a staff member working in the education center. His attributes are:
    • Management training - this attribute indicates the ability to train the following staff members: manager, sporting director and arena custodian.
    • Practical training - this attribute indicates the ability to train the following staff members: coach, physiotherapist and physician.

    Lecturers train themselves and both of their attributes are applied during their training! The number of lecturers that your team requires depends on the number of staff members. The more staff members you have, the more lecturers you need so that staff members can educate themselves efficiently.

    Number of staff members Number of lecturers
    <24 2
    24-31 3
    32-38 4
    >38* 4

    * - for every staff member over the limit, the training efficiency of lecturers is reduced by 5%

  • Sporting director is a staff member working in the sports academy. His attributes are:
    • Youth training - this attribute indicates the ability to provide more juniors coming from the sports academy. The attribute also influences the overall rating of the young prospects coming to your team for a trial.
    • Player training - this attribute indicates the ability to organize training camps for more players while ensuring a higher training bonus of the camp.

    Every team can have up to two active sporting directors. One head and one assistant.

  • Physician is a staff member working in the medical center. His attributes are:
    • Prevention - this attribute indicates the ability to minimize the number of injuries to your players.
    • Treatment - this attribute indicates the ability to speed up the recovery time of the injured players.

  • The number of physicians that your team requires depends on the number of players. The more players you have, the more physicians you need in order to provide the best possible health care to your players.

    Number of players Number of physicians
    <26 2
    26-35 3
    36-45 4
    >45* 4

    * - for every player over the limit, the prevention and treatment efficiency of physicians is reduced by 3%

Note that if you have a facility at a higher level, the applicants for a job at this facility will likely have higher attributes!