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  Preses relīzes: III.1 (Amerikas Savienotās Valstis)

2 447 905 932
Valsts: Līga:

Amerikas Savienotās Valstis BOF Scorpions† - The National Team
I am saying this to my whole league and everybody else. I need as many votes as possible. Thank you to all people that vote for me. I love my team's players and really care for each of them. If I place them on the market, I feel it is the best thing for them. I am running for the U21 national team and need votes so could you please vote for me. I need as many votes as possible. Thank you to a...

Amerikas Savienotās Valstis Edison Illuminating Co.† - This is just a test
Another manager asked me if he can delete his own Press Releases. I didn't know the answer, so I'm posting this one to see if I can delete it=)

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Kā PRO pakas lietotājam tev ir iespēja veidot preses relīzes par tavā klubā notiekošo. Šī ir vieta, kur publicēt komandas ambīcijas, komentārus par vakardienas maču, vai arī publicēt komandas mērķus pirms svarīgām spēlēm. Preses relīzes var lasīt un vērtēt citi menedžeri, kuriem ir iespēja atbildēt ar savām preses relīzēm.