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  Пресс-релизы: I.1 (Соединенное Королевство)

2 417 970 484
Страна: Лига:

Соединенное Королевство Brighton Boom† - Ticker Tape Parade in Brighton !

Great scenes here !

The Brighton Boom team bus is travelling proudly along the seafront. I can hear claxons roaring as the National Cup is passed along the players and held aloft.

What a match, what a final ! Double Overtime was needed to decide an extremely close game.

Hats off to our opponents HK 2013 IPEL Lucenec who made an incredible fight of it. The game could certainly have either way and at any point and there were many heroes in the final.

In the end we managed to pull it off. Captain Keene was given the man of the match taking responsibility of nearly half of the team shots. He said afterwards,

" That was on a knife edge the whole way through... never been in a game like it.. Thanks to all the fans and the staff here. We'll look now to the play-offs and see if we can go one better this year, gonna be tough though ! "

Millen the Goalie added that,

" We really wanted this trophy as it definitely puts us in Europe next season. We'll also try our hardest to get into the play-off finals but yes certainly this was a main target of ours. Let's enjoy this moment and see where we go next. This club has huge ambitions and I hope I can keep the sticks for a bit longer(he grinned) " !

The Boom Story continues !


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