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  Tlačové správy: II.1 (Veľká Británia)

2 425 398 507
Krajina: Liga:

Veľká Británia Brighton Boom† - Up we go !
What a news years eve for the Brighton Bombers ! The team performed brilliantly in their promotion matches and it was very late on before the first of the players left the Lawns stadium. Our fans voted for their favourite players this season and it was no surprise to see Jonathan Keene head the list. Notably though, Ashleigh Lewis came in second. His never say die attitude was instrumenta...

Veľká Británia Brighton Boom† - New Team Name - Brighton Bombers
Today the owners announced that the Brighton Boom will now be known as the "Brighton Bombers". As we look to bigger sponsors and bigger prizes we felt that it was time to raise the stakes. Our new logo's, Strips and Pennants are in the design stage and we hope to have them all ready for the new season. Into 2014 we go ! Nigel

Veľká Británia Brighton Boom† - Brighton Finals
Well done to HAKSI. We knew that this was going to be a hard last hurdle. The team's lack of experience and chemistry did tell in the end. HAKSI played a brilliant waiting game on us an even though we had the players, we always knew that it was going to be tough against such a well-oiled unit. Onto the promotion round we go then. I think we are in with a fair chance. The lads are tra...

Veľká Británia Brighton Boom† - Tough Semi-Finals
We just had to drop a note about our Semi-Final Opponents, 'The Pain'. What a great team they are. We only just edged it. That first game in overtime was a real nail-biter. The lead swapping over and over.. it really could have gone either way. The 2nd was match just as close. Well managed Alex ! I expect to see you in League 1 next season :) Best Wishes, Nigel

Veľká Británia Brighton Boom† - Thoughts from Brighton
So, the second season draws to a close. For us we followed a hunch and played two distinct teams. Our (B) team held their own well against most of the teams and now as we approach the play-offs we will see if saving all that energy was worth it. Our chemistry in the first team could be a little higher but we have a lot of quality in the side and I must admit we would be disappointed if we didn&#...

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Ako majiteľ balíka PRO máš možnosť uverejňovať tlačové správy týkajúce sa diania v tvojom klube. Máš tak priestor na zverejnenie ambícií tímu, môžeš zaujať stanoviská k odohratým zápasom alebo urobiť vyhlásenia pred dôležitými zápasmi. Tlačové správy tvojho tímu si môžu prečítať a ohodnotiť ostatní manažéri, prípadne môžu zareagovať vlastnou tlačovou správou.