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  Ogłoszenia prasowe: II.1 (USA)

910 395 802
Kraj: Liga:

USA bluebombers† - Success at Last | College Station HBC's First Victory

Until today, College Station HBC had not won a single game under new management when D. Stolle took over. After the club had sealed ninth place on match day 51, it was deemed "unorthodox" by Stolle and looked on as success in the form of failure. The aspiring manager wanted to finish ninth and receive the ten bonus points in the relegation playoff round so as to have a strong chance at victory by winning on one of the last two match days.
"We noticed that Chicago HC were competing with us for that spot. We weren't going to let them have it. We didn't want to earn this by hoping they lose their games, we wanted to win games and make this a lot less stressful. We've succeeded in doing the former, however, but the win today was definitely what the club needed to boost some morale," says Stolle. The 45:10 scoreline does not fully show that the win was deserved so much, but it does give Stolle a win nonetheless.
Stolle is looking into players to bring in at the end of the season and wants to see promotion as the main goal for next season if everything goes to plan.

We are a club, not a franchise. We have a heart and soul. We will succeed plentifully and lose respectfully. We aren't going anywhere. See y'all next time.

Wyświetleń: 3
Ocena ogłoszenia prasowego: Kiepski - Normalny - Doskonały
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