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  Preses relīzes: I.1 (Cita Pasaule)

910 395 802
Valsts: Līga:

Šis izdevums ir atbilde rakstam no komandas Dānija Andy's Nesere: Grundspilsmestre igen!

Dānija Andy's Nesere - Cup Winners’ Cup Champions!

For the second time in history Andy’s Nesere was to be found in the Final of Cup Winners’ Cup. Last time it ended with a painfully and devastating defeat, so this time revenge was planned to counter the catastrophic defeat 6 seasons ago!

LisyTarnóv was the opponent - and a very worthy one indeed. It was a close match were Andy’s Nesere were victorious in the end, as the last goal was scored 28 seconds before the final whistle, and thereby secured a 1 goal lead to Neserne. The crowd went crazy and “We are the champions” was heard sung in the arena for several minutes after. The trophy was finally ready to come home!

Now the big victory must be celebrated in style - extra Coca Cola, chips and cake has been ordered for the party, which is held together with fans of the club. Apparently, bands like Metallica, Ironmaiden and Gojira are coming by to play some real music for the winners. Rumor has it that the party lasts for 3 days…

Lasījumu skaits: 12
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski
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