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  Nota de Imprensa: I.1 (Suécia)

911 355 088
País: Liga:

Suécia Malmö Handball Club† - Statement release from Excito Handball

This is the first statment from Excito Handball since the release.

There's only 9 left to play before the playoffs begins. When the league started we had the goal to make it to the playoffs.
We've had a bumby road but there was a feeling in team that they hunger would overcome and take points we needed.

With 9 games left we are in the pole position and have changed the team alot during the season.

Me and the club decided to demolish som parts of the facilities and take in some players that would make a different and we made some big changes for club.

We started to sell and buy in some players that would make big impact for the team and club in general.

The first person in was Marek "Dzalo" Dirbák from the Slovakia team HK Topoľčany.

After selling some players and the demolishing took plays we bought in a team with players:

Aćim "Kím" Matijević from Serbia
15 Years old from RKP Timok

Comments: Kím has increadible passing skills and he shows that on the field and his teammates loves to have him around them.


Ingo "The Soul" Saulstars from Latvia
15 Years old Iecava

Comments: The Soul from Latvia. Brings up a light in the dressingroom every game and you can feel the good spirit.


Gracij "Ishua" Koderman from Slovenia
15 Years old from MultiSola

Comments: Ishua has a master shot and is one of the best at his position at moment. He got a lot to learn but that is the same for everyone.


Davor "Zchako" Radulić from Croatia
15 Years old from RK BURA SRDOČI - Rijeka

Comments: Here we got the striking bomb in the team. You don't want to stand in front if him when he loads for a goal and it shows in his statistics what he is capale of.


Tomáš "Bâkida" Dzurenda - from Slovakia
15 Years old from Zakeraci

Comments: The speedy Bâkida can run past anyone and he is a good shoot.


Willi "William" Klaus from Germany
15 Years old from Brauniallstars

Comments: A really big defender that has good moral work ethic. People look up to him and real talent for the future.

We have one more that we can't ignore. Our best player that came our own Academy.

It's Viktor "Vigge" Hjelm and has been a huge favorite from the beginning. Some info about Viktor "Vigge" Hjelm:

15 Years old from Excito Academy

Comments: A big Swedish nine that is both excellent in the offensive part as the defensiv part. It's rare to have people that can have the same skill overall.

Excito Handball will be back after the playoffs to make a new statment about the whole season and what the future holds for us.

Best Regards,
Linus "ZioZ" Dahlgren

Vistas únicas: 58
Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Fraco - Normal - Excelente
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