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  Comunicados de prensa: I.1 (Resto del Mundo)

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País: Liga:

Filipinas Bohol Raiders† - Season 3: Let the War Begin!

After a very successful season 2, Bohol Raiders Manager and Coach David Cox had little time to rest. He watched the relegation playoffs and saw a very ominous outcome. All of the lower rated clubs had been promoted. Coach David Cox commented on this situation at a year end press conference,

"The final relegation playoff result has made a dramatic shift in the level of play for Division 1 this season. We have 6 very strong new clubs replacing the bottom half of our league. In reality, almost every club here has a legitimate shot a the league championship. I really dont see any club here that anyone can take for granted. If you dont come to the games reasonably motivated this season, your going to be spanked into next years relegation playoff."

"So my congratulations to the newly promoted clubs and a salute to the 8 great playoff clubs of season 2. Season 3 will be a battle of championship caliber clubs. Let the war begin."

Visitas únicas: 41
Valoración de la nota de prensa: Malo - Normal - Excelente
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