Doppelgangers† - Hall Of Fame Criteria Established

"We have received pressure from fans in recent seasons to begin retiring the jerseys of some of their favorite players. While we don't wish to diminish the contributions of any of the fine athletes who have played for our organization over the years, we do believe that our team's Hall of Fame should be reserved for generational talents... the absolute best of the best."
"To sate fans, we have constructed the following check-list for them to use when submitting their Hall of Fame requests in the future. From our perspective, the following requirements set appropriately lofty standards for our franchise's greatest honor."
Attached to the press release was the following:
At the time of Hall Of Fame induction, players must meet at least 5 of the following general requirements and 3 of the applicable positional criteria.
General Requirements (Must satisfy 5):
__ At least 24 years old
__ At least 300 competitive games played with the Doppelgangers organization
__ At least 7 seasons with the Doppelgangers organization
__ At least 1000 OR
__ At least 50 Experience
__ Has played game(s) for their Senior, U21, or U19 National Team
Positional Criteria (Must satisfy 3):
__ At least 5000 shots against
__ At least 2500 saves
__ At least 100 cumulative Star Selections (3-Star and All-Star)
__ At least 1500 Goals
__ At least 750 Assists
__ At most 1 Turnover per Match Played
__ At least 300 Steals
__ At least 150 Blocked Shots
__ At least 150 cumulative Star Selections (3-Star and All-Star)
__ At least 1000 Goals
__ At least 250 Assists
__ At most 1 Turnover per Match Played
__ At least 300 Steals
__ At least 150 Blocked Shots
__ At least 50 cumulative Star Selections (3-Star and All-Star)
__ At least 500 Goals
__ At least 125 Assists
__ At most 1 Turnover per Match Played
__ At least 150 Steals
__ At least 300 Blocked Shots
__ At most 10 Red Cards
__ At least 25 cumulative Star Selections (3-Star and All-Star)
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