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  PRO Zona
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  Comunicati stampa: III.1 (Stati Uniti)

2 423 811 822
Nazione: Lega:

Stati Uniti BOF Scorpions† - The National Team

I am saying this to my whole league and everybody else. I need as many votes as possible. Thank you to all people that vote for me. I love my team's players and really care for each of them. If I place them on the market, I feel it is the best thing for them. I am running for the U21 national team and need votes so could you please vote for me. I need as many votes as possible. Thank you to all people that vote for me.

Visitatori unici: 6
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente
Questa funzione fa parte del pacchetto PRO!      

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