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  Preses relīzes: II.2 (Rumānija)

904 531 368
Valsts: Līga:

Rumānija Magura† - Raspunsul nostru

Prezentarea situatiei:
Din cauza unui bug pe care producatorii jocului vor sa-l musamalizeze foarte elegant, primele meciuri ale echipelor nationale s-au desfasurat fara spectatori si fara tribune.
Ma intreb acum daca intr-adevar era parchet pe jos si portile aferente. Daca au fost doar un H ca la rugby?

Due to a bug that game makers want to hush it very elegant, first matches of national teams were held without spectators, without stands.
I wonder now if it really was flooring down and the gates thereof. If there were only one H as rugby?

Raspunsul oficial al oficialitatilor la aceasta problema oficiala:
The official response from the authorities:

14. The game is a sports management game for leisure time and personal use. The operator does not give any warranties that the game will work without interruptions or errors. The game is provided "as is" and it may contain errors and it may also be unavailable from time to time in whole or in part due to technical maintenance, connection interruption or other reasons. The operator is not liable for any consequences of any errors or technical interruptions including any loss or damage of data.

Un posibil raspuns al nostru (jucatorii platitori pentru un produs vandut "defect";):
Our possible answer (players paying for a product sold "defective";):
14. The game is a sports management game for leisure time and personal use.
THE PLAYERS does not give any EUROCENTS that the game will work WITH interruptions or errors. The MONEY WE PAY FOR is provided "as is" and it NOT may contain errors and it NOT may also be unavailable from time to time in whole or in part due to OUR FINANCIAL maintenance, SALARY interruption or other reasons. The PLAYERS is not liable for any consequences of any FINANCIAL errors or FINANCIAL interruptions including any loss or NO PRO PACK.

Lasījumu skaits: 45
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski
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