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  Basın açıklamaları: I.1 (İngiltere)

908 641 422
Ülke: Lig:

İngiltere Brighton Boom† - Boom's Interim Report !

Well guys here it is the first report of the season.

It's been one hell of a start !

I wrote to another another manager here before we started that the Boom was going into a 'Holding Pattern' Season this time. - I don't think the players heard me.

The challenge of pushing Fodder and Lincoln has never been greater. The team I have here now has been building well and right now I would say that you could throw a hat down over the three of us.

Yes, I'm really proud of my team. I'm really happy that the small adjustments that are made really do make differences.

Jiri Sil continues to defy any thought of being replaced and he's seen off four other Left backs to date.

Gadja my new keeper after Davies is beginning to find his feet. I'm hoping that he'll just come right at crunch time. At the moment, Millen is playing like his hands are on fire and seems to also be defying his rating.

Xp and Experience is playing a huge part right now and if I was to offer any advice and please take this as it's meant. If you have a really experienced player who is falling back on his ratings then I would advice *not* to sell him. - Unless you really have to.

I broke the transfer record for the club last week. I've made no secret to the fact that I needed some pure offence to balance the side. Some 95m later I introduce 'Spartus' from Lithuania ! - Expect to see him at some point !

Big games to come, lots of tense moments I'm sure. Wishing you all the best - and Well done to Miro - Great result against Sweden ! Go UK !!

Nigel :)

eşsiz görüşler: 23
Basın açıklaması değerlendirme: Zayıf - Normal - Mükemmel
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