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  Прес-релізи: II.1 (Сполучене Королівство)

2 456 866 023
Країна: Ліга:

Сполучене Королівство Brighton Boom† - Up we go !

What a news years eve for the Brighton Bombers !

The team performed brilliantly in their promotion matches and it was very late on before the first of the players left the Lawns stadium.

Our fans voted for their favourite players this season and it was no surprise to see Jonathan Keene head the list. Notably though, Ashleigh Lewis came in second. His never say die attitude was instrumental in the teams performances and he has become a serious candidate to be the team captain next season.

The fans also took to Konstantin Bada in a big way. Even though he is a second string player here he certainly impressed. It's a pity for him that Jonathan is in his position but we know that he is ready to step in if needed at any point and not disappoint.

So, here we go into the First Division. Our second promotion in two seasons. And the 'Bombers' are looking for bigger prizes, so watch out all !! :)


Унікальних переглядів: 14
Рейтинг прес-релізів: Не дуже - Нормальний - Відмінно
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