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  Саопштења за јавност: III.4 (САД)

2 418 681 460
Држава: Лига:

САД Doppelgangers† - Doppelgangers Advance!
For the second time in two seasons, the Doppelgangers have defeated the Dooshnozzles in the playoff finals and have advanced to a higher division. The Doppelgangers will compete in division II.1 next season. After the Dooshnozzles pulled out to early 1-0 series lead in the division III.4 playoff Finals, the Doppelgangers coach changed the team's strategy and it paid off big. "...

САД chicago throlo† - Predators On Top
Earlier this afternoon, the Winston-Salem Predators played their first match under new management against SwetBomb005† currently in 14th place in division III.4. Excitement built as Winston-Salem put up 5 unanswered points within 5 minutes of the game's start. By the end of the first half, the Predators were ahead 20:9. The blowout continued in the second half as the Predators took a nice ...

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Као власник ПРО пакета имаш опцију да издаш саопштење за јавност о дешавањима у твом клубу. Овде можеш написати амбиције свог тима, коментаре о претходној утакмици или да даш изјаву пре неке важне утакмице. Саопштења за јавност могу да читају и оцењују други кориснци, који такође имају опцију да одговоре на твоје саопштење својим.