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  Comunicados: I.1 (Reino Unido)

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Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - Season 4 Review

Well it's that time again where I'm sitting back and reflecting on what was a huge season for us.

The team really couldn't have played much better and I'm really very proud of my troops.

With the National Cup on the shelf we looked at the title and did we really have a chance of winning the whole thing? Well, in truth I wasn't sure. I knew both Cannon F, and Inter L, would certainly be tricky but one thing I did know was that it would all be very close.

Leicester in the quarters gave us some concern as they have been a bit of a 'bogey' team for us in the past so we just went all out against them and hoped for the best. The Cannon Fodder games are always close affairs and Ross's teams always gives us concerns and so I was especially pleased when we edged past them to get into our first league 1 finals.

It's at this point that I feel I really must hand it again to our core group of players who refuse to lay down. When I think of how we came up from the belly of the UK leagues with pretty much the same core guys I almost feel that it is their destiny to win the title.

This season though, Inter Lincoln had the last word and hats off to them for being such a mighty presence in our league. It came down to overtime and a real 'coin Toss'.. We were so close.. Aw well let's see what happens in Season 5 ! :)

With our players, Sil and Huber really brought the team some offensive energy and we will keep them on. The usual coming's and going with the 'B' Team have brought us in some interesting prospects. Look out for our Russian Youngster in a couple of seasons. I think Yuriy will be in danger of becoming a world star :)

And so, onto the Champions League we go with Revalation09 waiting for us et al. It will be an great challenge to take on the top top teams. :)

Until next time guys, and thanks to all for your support with the UK team. I'm sorry I couldn't pull the UK team through to the finals. Our pool is just that bit of the rest and truly at the moment we are not a top 16 nation. - But have hope there is a lot of very hot UK prospects about and I'm sure there will be UK success soon.

Bye for now and go Boooooommm !! :)


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