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  Comunicados: I.1 (Reino Unido)

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Reino Unido Glwb Handball Wrecsam† - Sympathetic Musings
I know the feeling. I 'lost' my team here but was able to regain control in time, but lost my football team. This is more down to personal issues, lack of time/ enthusiasm and laziness however! I hope you'll stay somehow though. Competition is always good, and you've done a lot for the national team too. :) Amigan

Reino Unido Cannon Fodder† - Calling it a day?
It's become clear that my interest in this game has waned somewhat. After the best part of a week of not even logging in, and given that i've just had an unbeaten season in winning the league, my lineup was missing a 3rd back who i'd lost to free agency! And this is in the playoff final no less. My account is paid up for another 11 months so it might look like i'm here, but...

Reino Unido Inter Lincoln†
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Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - Boom's Interim Report !
Well guys here it is the first report of the season. It's been one hell of a start ! I wrote to another another manager here before we started that the Boom was going into a 'Holding Pattern' Season this time. - I don't think the players heard me. The challenge of pushing Fodder and Lincoln has never been greater. The team I have here now has been building well and r...

Reino Unido Lučenec Pelicans†
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Reino Unido Lučenec Pelicans† - Senior NT season 7 Report
First of all i'd like to thank everyone who voted me and gave me support in the NT candidacy last season and at the start of this season.Every vote has a huge value for me,I will be hard at work with this NT job and hopefully i won't disappoint you. The NT from last season had 3 goalkeepers,4 pivots (3 attacking,1 defending),20 backs (13 attacking,7 defensive) and only 3 wingers (1 at...

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - * Breaking News ! Shock Transfers! *
These are the days a humble reporter lives for. Last night we are in the Palace hotel after some routine interviews at the Red Bull. (more to come on that later). - When a huge scuffle breaks out in the bar. Davies, the Welsh no.2 goalie at the Boom launches himself at Stanislav Bakos. Bakos is Brighton's defensive coach and takes on the role of training the keepers. Anyhow, Bakos...

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - My Views Looking Towards The Playoffs and Other News.
Season Six has so far been one of the most enjoyable seasons so far for the Boom. Our turn of results has been the culmination of some very distant planning way back about a year ago. I looked very hard at the team when I decided to sell Huber (remember him !) At that point I knew that I had to focus on the strengths of my best players. - Rather than make players do what they simply were not re...

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - Part 2
Right were back.. Since the last release we've got a few more here in the press van. (Sounds of beer cans being opened and general chatter) -Keep it down fella's were live here... I'm going to cut to the chase here. We've managed to get Stanislav Bakos, the chief coach at the Boom and Gabi Draghicescu of course you all know him. The defensive giant Pivot and capta...

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - The Goings on at the Boom Part 1
(Sound recording) Well.. Today I'm back here at the Boom and were going to try and find out what's going on. Hold on a second.. (Sound of static).. At this moment we've been barred from the press area after the huge scuffle there last week. Our van ended up getting turned over and we lost a lot of tasty video footage after the Boom's security chief came at us. Tonight...

Reino Unido Corby† - ha ha ha
This geme is very..,.... >:)

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - Brighton Boom Serve a Warning to League 1
Jiri Sil and the Boom are back on track.

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - * Gabor Huber going under the Hammer ! *
In less than 24hrs, the Boom's Premier Goalscorer, Gabor Huber is being sold. http://handball.powerplaymanager.com/en/player-profile.html?data=103742-gabor-huber When we asked the team's GM about the decision he had this to say; " Well, let me start by saying that this was not a decision we have taken lightly. Gabor as you know is a huge offensive player. (To note: Mr H...

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - Season 4 Review
Well it's that time again where I'm sitting back and reflecting on what was a huge season for us. The team really couldn't have played much better and I'm really very proud of my troops. With the National Cup on the shelf we looked at the title and did we really have a chance of winning the whole thing? Well, in truth I wasn't sure. I knew both Cannon F, and Inte...

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - Ticker Tape Parade in Brighton !
Great scenes here ! The Brighton Boom team bus is travelling proudly along the seafront. I can hear claxons roaring as the National Cup is passed along the players and held aloft. What a match, what a final ! Double Overtime was needed to decide an extremely close game. Hats off to our opponents HK 2013 IPEL Lucenec who made an incredible fight of it. The game could certainly have eith...

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