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  Прэс-рэлізы: II.1 (ЗША)

2 420 051 800
Краіна: Ліга:

ЗША bluebombers† - Outlook of the Future | The US' Next Season

The season is coming to the close, with the Champions League Final ending as a 32:30 result between HK Agresiv and RK Leotar with the Czech side reigning supreme. But for many other handball clubs in the 41 associations around the world, season 24 is to be looked at next. In the United States, the major case is going to be the absence of the third tier. The entirety of it has inactive managers and therefore will be dissolved at the end of the season. This means that none of the clubs in the second tier will be relegated and therefore clubs in the relegation playoffs will not have to worry.
College Station HBC's ambitions will have to be delayed for a while longer, as the club has noticed that the finances will not hold up to bringing in top-class players--yet. The club hopes to bring in some stronger players around the caliber of some of the second tier's best sides. There will eventually be a day when this lowly Texas club will be the champions of the United States.

Last week summary:
Club record: 5 wins, 0 draws, 0 losses. 1st in relegation round

Унікальныя прагляды: 6
Прэс-рэліз рэйтынг: Дрэнна - Звычайны - Цудоўна
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