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  Comunicados: II.1 (Reino Unido)

910 452 015
País: Liga:

Reino Unido Brighton Boom† - Thoughts from Brighton

So, the second season draws to a close. For us we followed a hunch and played two distinct teams. Our (B) team held their own well against most of the teams and now as we approach the play-offs we will see if saving all that energy was worth it. Our chemistry in the first team could be a little higher but we have a lot of quality in the side and I must admit we would be disappointed if we didn't make the play-off finals.

Our main rivals for the title HAKSI and Cyprus have played the waiting game. Their energies probably are probably about the same even with the amount of games played. Their whole seasons played at Very Low priority.

If chemistry be the difference at this stage then it is only very slight. One thing for sure is that this is going to be a very tight and challenging end of the season.

Losing Jonathon Keene towards the end of the regular season just showed us how important he is to the team. He really is a phenomenon. In the future if any teams really want to cause us problems then they will have to stop Jonanthon getting the ball. He is a candidate for the national side for sure.

We only brought in two players from the academy this year. Martin Palmer's younger brother Lloyed joined the team seamlessly. He seems to play the wings well although he really could play anywhere. Also, Scott Griffin came in. A very assured defence player and to some extent he's unlucky not to make the first team. The three guys across the back line will take some replacing although we do have a few future candidates in training.

Next Season will see the force that is Gabi Draghicescu, or as we call him, 'The Dragon'. Gabi is a fearless pivot that we brought in under a huge price tag last season. We can see Gabi becoming the team's permanent captain. A force to be reckoned with to be sure.

Our Keepers this season have been outstanding. Richard Millen is beginning to show us what he's all about and with 'Plos' behind him we are confident we have the sticks covered.

Next season will truly be an 'acid test' for us. Providing we promote. I don't think we will be able to play the (B) side as much and still get to the title. So, it will all hands on deck and the first team will be pretty much in place for the whole season.

One thing for certain is that we are relishing the challenge. And we wish all our fellow players/managers a very happy Christmas and see you all next season !


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