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  Comunicati stampa: II.1 (Stati Uniti)

2 420 812 166
Nazione: Lega:

Stati Uniti bluebombers† - Outlook of the Future | The US' Next Season
The season is coming to the close, with the Champions League Final ending as a 32:30 result between HK Agresiv and RK Leotar with the Czech side reigning supreme. But for many other handball clubs in the 41 associations around the world, season 24 is to be looked at next. In the United States, the major case is going to be the absence of the third tier. The entirety of it has inactive managers...

Stati Uniti bluebombers† - Success at Last | College Station HBC's First Victory
Until today, College Station HBC had not won a single game under new management when D. Stolle took over. After the club had sealed ninth place on match day 51, it was deemed "unorthodox" by Stolle and looked on as success in the form of failure. The aspiring manager wanted to finish ninth and receive the ten bonus points in the relegation playoff round so as to have a strong chance ...

Stati Uniti Doppelgangers† - Hall Of Fame Criteria Established
Today, the Owner/GM of the Doppelgangers Handball franchise issued a statement regarding the team's Hall of Fame: "We have received pressure from fans in recent seasons to begin retiring the jerseys of some of their favorite players. While we don't wish to diminish the contributions of any of the fine athletes who have played for our organization over the years, we do believe ...

Stati Uniti Zilina United† - Stagnation or Stabilization Phase?
Our Team management is trying to do their best but to secure and keep the better players and staff is huge portion of our team financial burdens. It is extremely difficult to keep the development going among these high goals set and therefore we strongly depend on our fans to support us by visiting our home matches. We would like to Thanks our Fans and Supporters as well as our general sponsor and...

Stati Uniti Doppelgangers† - Organization Denies Rumors
The Doppelgangers have been more active on the player market recently, initiating 5 transactions in the last week alone. The shake up has spurred a frenzy of speculation in the local media that there is a black cloud hanging over the Doppelganger's locker room. There has been chatter that an excess of partying and decadence has created some discord between players and team management. ...

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