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  Preses relīzes: I.1 (Lielbritānija)

2 442 001 205
Valsts: Līga:

Lielbritānija Cannon Fodder† - Calling it a day?

It's become clear that my interest in this game has waned somewhat. After the best part of a week of not even logging in, and given that i've just had an unbeaten season in winning the league, my lineup was missing a 3rd back who i'd lost to free agency! And this is in the playoff final no less.

My account is paid up for another 11 months so it might look like i'm here, but i doubt very much that i will be active much, if at all, after i see out the season with the national team at the World Cup.

So thanks for the competition in recent months and years, and i wish you all the best.


Lasījumu skaits: 11
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski
Komanda Lielbritānija Glwb Handball Wrecsam† atbildēja uz šo rakstu: Sympathetic Musings
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