
Public account
1330 kreditter
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904 345 244
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Neste kamp
L's Doggos
05.05.2024 19:00:00


Ekspertens vurdering
Pris i kreditter: 10
The companies bid for sponsorship at the end of each season. The club receives three offers on each of the three consecutive days. If you accept any offer, the club will not receive further offers. If you do not accept any of the nine offers, the owners will sign a sponsorship deal with a fixed weekly income without bonuses on the following day. The general sponsorship deal is signed for the whole of the following season. Contracts with performance bonuses can be renegotiated midway through the season. The sum offered by the sponsor will be divided into regular weekly payments, which will be transfered to the club's account each Wednesday. Sponsors which offer bonuses for wins or ranking offer lower weekly payments. Read the conditions of each offer carefully before you make the decision.

Lagets hovedsponsor

Mycak Pictures


Kontraktsverdi: 51 316 064
Ukentlig donasjon: 3 207 254

Nye tilbud på hovedsponsor

Days remaining until the next general sponsorship deal offers: 32