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  Ogłoszenia prasowe: I.1 (Wielka Brytania)

2 421 143 329
Kraj: Liga:

Wielka Brytania Brighton Boom† - The Goings on at the Boom Part 1

(Sound recording)

Well.. Today I'm back here at the Boom and were going to try and find out what's going on. Hold on a second.. (Sound of static)..

At this moment we've been barred from the press area after the huge scuffle there last week. Our van ended up getting turned over and we lost a lot of tasty video footage after the Boom's security chief came at us. Tonight though we are back in the car park and with any luck some of the players will talk to us. I know Millen and he promised to give us his views. So let's see what exactly is going on here.

(Some bleeps)

Ok, So here's Richard Millen the Boom's Iconic Goalie.
First off, So how's you Richard. 'You played well in there tonight although your no.2 had ...what shall we say.. a bad night to put it mildly.'

(Some coughing)

'It's been a hard week for all of us to be fair and some of us are dealing with it better than others. I don't know what happened with Nick(Davies) tonight. But, he's a good kid and talented. I'm sure he'll bounce back'.

-'That's a very diplomatic reply there Rich, but 1/18 (6%) ... I've seen your boss boot a player into the market for such a performance.. I mean Zec, LLoyd Palmer have all had similar fates.. what really is happening.. Davies couldn't have caught a sock out there tonight..'

(Millen Sigh's)

Ok, here it is.. I guess it needs saying.. The boss as you know put out a rash statement last week and now the whole league is gunning for us... Don't get me wrong we put out enough pressure on ourselves.. and at the moment it's bedlam !! Nearly every arena we visit there are fights. The pressure is enormous.. Nick tonight, he just wasn't at the races. I guess it was a bad call. It's partly my own fault I told the boss I was feeling a bit tired and he went with Nick and that's that. That's handball.. One moment your handing it out to the league the next, there handing it to you. Consistency for us has been a problem for around a season now.. yes, we are looking at it..

Yes, the boom are doing it defensively,But putting the ball away at the other end has been a problem ever since Huber's departure. What are you guys doing about it?

We put through the kid's, that's kinda always's been the plan. Jiri as you know is a great back and Mulan is joining him. But having two backs as your offence, no disrespect to the rest of the guys makes thing's difficult. Saying that Ashley's playing a blinder, now he's switched to the right side after Michael's exit and Cromby is staring to get some recognition now he's got the whole left wing to play with.

- Yes, The Boom and their wings. They can certainly cause some trouble when they get going but again it's consistency.

OK, Thank's Richard oh before you go I have to ask about your exclusion from the UK team. It hasn't affected your game, if anything it's pushed you on a bit. How did you hear about it-- I must say we were surprised.

' Ah, yes... Well.. I guess the new bosses will always want to change a few players here and there. It's ok. I'm not getting any younger although I wasn't playing that badly. You never know I might get called again. Anyway, it's no problem. It gives the younger guys a chance and if it works out for them, so be it. I can only concentrate on my Gk'ing and do the best I can here for the boom.'

-And at the moment Richard after tonight the Boom look like a one Keeper team ! WIll Davies ever play here again..??!!

-No comment on that one, gotta go..

And with that Millen jets off on his Bike.

There's more to this story and we will be back later, Right now were going for coffee.

(OK, print that will you)

..end transmission...

Wyświetleń: 15
Ocena ogłoszenia prasowego: Kiepski - Normalny - Doskonały
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