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  Zona PRO
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  Nota de Imprensa: I.1 (Ucrânia)

2 435 845 292
País: Liga:

Ucrânia yearious - 37-й
Одного дня, я прочитав клубну новину що я отримав преміальні за перше місце в плей-офф... Сказати що я здивувався, то недостатньо пояснити те що я відчував; то був шок... Мій клуб був точно НЕ готовий до 1.1 Тим не менш, я здобув (чи "здобув" ) п'ять перемог в 1.1 В гандболі я і досі не розібрався, але! наступного разу коли я вийду в 1.1 - я буду намагатися значно покращати ре...

Ucrânia Angel - Golden season!!! Золотий сезон!!!
Golden season, Boil the broth. So that they don't get sick Your players.) And then Winter It will be cold. Can drink them ginger tea, To make it to Spring?! And seriously, the Angel team took the gold. One more season, it will be strong. Then there will surely be problems. It is difficult to play in the Champions League. Good luck to everyone, in life and in handball.)) Золотий сезон...

Ucrânia Angel - Did you drink coffee in the morning?)) Gold season !!!
Did you drink coffee in the morning? Sat down at the computer, turned on the game. This interesting, logical game.)) Managers have been playing here for years, Glory, money wins. Play music, play.:);) I wanted to start with a poem, we have been playing for many years. Gold was taken last season. There are plans to compete in handball cups. I will record the gameplay of new players with lon...

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A opção de emitir notas de imprensa

Como dono de um pacote PRO tens a opção de publicar notas de imprensa sobre os acontecimentos no teu clube. Este é o teu local para publicares as ambições da tua equipa, comentar o jogo do dia anterior ou fazer uma declaração antes de um jogo importante. Notas de imprensa podem ser vistas e classificadas por outros utilizadores, que também têm a opção de responder com uma nota de imprensa da sua própria equipa.