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  Comunicate de presă: III.4 (SUA)

911 911 949
Ţara: Liga:

SUA Doppelgangers† - Doppelgangers Advance!

For the second time in two seasons, the Doppelgangers have defeated the Dooshnozzles in the playoff finals and have advanced to a higher division. The Doppelgangers will compete in division II.1 next season.

After the Dooshnozzles pulled out to early 1-0 series lead in the division III.4 playoff Finals, the Doppelgangers coach changed the team's strategy and it paid off big.

"After losing with a more conservative 5-1 defensive set, we decided to be a bit more aggressive going into games 2 and 3," said the coach of the Doppelgangers. "We had a lot of success running the 3-2-1 and pushing the ball up the court during the regular season, so our boys were prepared for the change. I couldn't be happier with how they executed in games 2 and 3."

The Dooshnozzles may still advance by defeating Zilina United in the promotion round. Should that happen, it will be the second consecutive season that both the Doppelgangers and Dooshnozzles advanced to a higher division. There appears to be quite a rivalry forming between the two teams.

When asked how he thinks the Doppelgangers will fair against tougher competition next season and if he's looking forward to the possibility of matching up against the Dooshnozzles yet again, the coach chuckled and said, "We've got at least a few days to celebrate for now. We'll worry about all that when the time comes."

The Doppelgangers star players could not be reached for comment as they are in training camp in San Diego, CA preparing for next season.

Vizionări unice: 20
Evaluarea comunicatului de presă: Sărac - Normal - Excelent
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