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  PRO Cona
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  Sporočila za javnost: II.2 (ZDA)

2 445 025 256
Država: Liga:

ZDA Chicago Ruckus† - Chicago Ruckus Mission Statement

After much deliberation on the direction the club shall take, it has been decided that the Chicago Ruckus shall, for the foreseeable future, strive to maintain a constant presence in the US national scene. With the sport in its infancy, now is the perfect time to intensely focus on training potential youths. This is not to say that the club's personal success will be sacrificed, merely that we fervently wish to see the US establish itself as a respectable threat on the national stage right from the get-go.

Edinstveni pogledi: 29
Ocena sporočila za javnost: Slabo - Običajen - Odlično
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