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  PRO Cona
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  Sporočila za javnost: III.7 (ZDA)

2 444 980 190
Država: Liga:

ZDA Garland Indians - Cedar Park Coyotes (March 3, 2014)
The Nix Sporting Group is proud to announce the acquirement of two new teams. The First is the Cedar Park Coyotes of Soccer, and the Cedar Park Coyotes of Handball. All three teams will play at the Cedar Park Center as the Austin Senators (Hockey) Currently does. Thank You, Nicholas Nix President and Governor of Nix Sporting Group.

ZDA St. Louis Bombers† - Hello
If you like my logo or jersey just email me. If you like them I can make you some jerseys or logos. Put it would cost 10 credits for each jersey or logo. Thank you.

ZDA Winged Angels of Eden† - Winged Angels Get Welcomed to the League
The Winged Angels of Eden got welcomed to USA League III.7 by the Liberty Bells. The second place Bells dominated the game from start to finish. The Winged Angels were lucky enough to get to double digits in a 10-40 loss. The Angels were out shot 25-49 in front of the sold-out crowd of 400 at The Golden Court of Eden. At 8:11 in the first half Buddy Story scored the franchise's first goal...

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