Renamed 11841† - Veliko slavlje u 12-om kolu!
Navijaci su bili prezadovoljni i nakon utakmice moglo ih se cuti kako pjevaju staru klupsku himnu: "I kroz vatru i kroz buru, dobit cete ga po turu!"
Gosti, iako posramljeni, otisli su sa osmjehom na licu, jer samo lud covjek moze biti ljut nakon par gajbi i onako fino spremljenog graha sto ga je spremio glavni kuhar domace ekipe!
"Ovime smo pokazali svima da nismo za baciti te da nismo dosli u prvu ligu na izlet" izjavio je ukratko trener domacina te misteriozno 'odletio' u nepoznatom smjeru sa pivom u jednoj i rolom toalet papira u drugoj ruci.
This feature is part of the PRO pack!  
The option to issue press releases
As a PRO pack owner you have the option to issue press releases about the happenings in your club. This is your place to publish the team's ambitions, to comment on yesterday's match or make a statement before an important match. Press releases may be viewed and rated by other users, who also have the option to respond with a press release of their own.
The option to issue press releases
As a PRO pack owner you have the option to issue press releases about the happenings in your club. This is your place to publish the team's ambitions, to comment on yesterday's match or make a statement before an important match. Press releases may be viewed and rated by other users, who also have the option to respond with a press release of their own.
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