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  Transfers: LFC Prešov Red Angels - Season: 36

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07.03.2025 19:00:00


<< Season:>>

Player transfers

Date Name   League Team   Amount GM
2024-06-02 Iran Amir Kalhor Nia Netherlands I.1 Netherlands Heldia   95,504,063  
2024-06-01 Slovenia Ivan Valand Netherlands I.1 Netherlands Heldia   246,750,000  
2024-05-31 Czech Republic Kazimír Bortl Netherlands I.1 Netherlands Heldia   312,900,000  
2024-05-31 Brazil Amaurio da Gama Slovenia I.1 Slovenia RK Gorica   8,820,000  
2024-05-31 Argentina Diego Aluma Bosnia and Herzegovina I.1 Bosnia and Herzegovina RK Tuzla   46,666,666  
2024-05-31 Slovenia Andraž Žagar Croatia I.1 Croatia SIOUXI   96,082,875  
2024-05-31 USA Fred Overstreet Portugal I.1 Portugal ADN Mãos Rotas   112,875,000  
2024-05-31 Czech Republic Matěj Vachovec Portugal I.1 Portugal ADN Mãos Rotas   140,710,042  
2024-05-31 Romania Cosmin Florin Anastase Serbia I.1 Serbia RK Alkosi   115,500,000  
2024-05-31 Russia Nikolay Zaytsev Czech Republic I.1 Czech Republic Sezimovo Ústí Snails   162,646,313  
2024-05-22 Iran Mehrdad Urumi Hungary II.2 Hungary Vértes Hurrikán   22,050,000  
2024-05-22 Belarus Radzivon Kamornikaŭ Slovakia II.1 Slovakia HT Podhorany   100,000,000  
2024-05-22 Canada Darrick Ferguson Canada I.1 Canada Jedi Masters UFA-II 90,194,838  
2024-05-21 Spain Javier Cordas Poland I.1 Poland Pijaki z Jednej Paki   30,000,000  
2024-05-18 Hungary Balázs Mézga Netherlands I.1 Netherlands Heldia UFA-II 444,555,666  
2024-04-29 Hungary György Nemeskürthy Latvia I.1 Latvia zelta rocinjas UFA-II 235,019,481  
2024-04-27 Brazil Wando Astillo Portugal I.1 Portugal Season Team UFA-II 101,101,101  
2024-04-18 Serbia Todor Milošević Slovakia I.1 Slovakia JB Svit   29,767,500  
2024-04-18 Czech Republic Igor Landa Poland I.1 Poland LisyTarnów   194,250,000  
2024-04-10 Germany Konrad Hinz Romania II.1 Romania H.C. Zalau   110,000  
2024-04-10 Hungary Róbert Süveges France I.1 France SMHBC   55,247,622  
2024-04-09 Belarus Źmicier Curajevič Days to recovery: 2 (Abdominal stretch) Hungary I.1 Hungary Arkrektor KC   140,123,865  
2024-04-07 Spain Javier Cordas Spain I.1 Spain Galaxia Celeste   14,000,000  
2024-04-01 Romania Cosmin Florin Anastase Romania I.1 Romania Faitonul Crocodilu'   140,140,140  
2024-03-27 Brazil Amaurio da Gama Brazil I.1 Brazil Cucuta HC   3,420,662  
2024-02-28 Czech Republic Igor Skryja Czech Republic II.2 Czech Republic JZD Dobrá Voda   130,123,123  

Staff transfers

Date Name   League Team Amount GM
2024-06-05 Argentina Juan Carlos Morti Czech Republic I.1 Czech Republic SERPENTES NYMBURK 30,000  
2024-05-26 Italy Christian Faissin Croatia I.1 Croatia RK Scorpions 3,213,213  
2024-05-26 Brazil Washington Velasco Croatia I.1 Croatia RK Scorpions 1,102,507  
2024-05-04 Colombia Nelson Linero II.3 Colombia Macondo Handball 30,000  
2024-04-28 Argentina Rubén Monje Czech Republic III.9 Czech Republic Dragons Olomouc 525,000  
2024-04-24 France Cyrille Hennebert France II.3 France Fc Metz 11,000  
2024-04-23 Bosnia and Herzegovina Admir Poturović I.1 Denmark Ifö Pythons 25,555  
2024-04-22 Serbia Ljubiša Lakić Serbia II.1 Serbia opancari 20,000  
2024-04-22 Serbia Dragomir Simić Serbia II.1 Serbia opancari 70,000  
2024-04-22 Denmark Rasmus Ankjær Latvia II.2 Latvia HK E-nots 33,333  
2024-03-21 Switzerland Leandro Delaloye Switzerland I.1 Switzerland SG Wahlen-Laufen 10,000  
2024-03-04 Argentina Rubén Monje Argentina I.1 Argentina Adrogué Poker Athlétic 180,000