Magura† - Alternativa
Sincer asteptam sa fie lansat tenisul, dar e bun si handbalul.
Bine ar fi daca si in viata reala ne-am indrepta atentia mai mult spre sporturi la care am fost candva ASI si nu spre acelasi si etern fotbal la care nu ne pricepem, dar incercam sa-i copiem pe altii. Ca nu ne pricepem e una, bashca nu avem bani si nici nu o sa avem vreodata. Asa ca teatrul viselor desarte va ramane pentru noi doar o efemera suvita de vant strabatand alene caldura torida a dorintelor noastre de marire fotbalistica.
This feature is part of the PRO pack!  
The option to issue press releases
As a PRO pack owner you have the option to issue press releases about the happenings in your club. This is your place to publish the team's ambitions, to comment on yesterday's match or make a statement before an important match. Press releases may be viewed and rated by other users, who also have the option to respond with a press release of their own.
The option to issue press releases
As a PRO pack owner you have the option to issue press releases about the happenings in your club. This is your place to publish the team's ambitions, to comment on yesterday's match or make a statement before an important match. Press releases may be viewed and rated by other users, who also have the option to respond with a press release of their own.
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